The course aims to provide the participants with the theoretical models for organizing and managing a multi-national network of subsidiaries and other strategic relationships focusing on high growth emerging markets. The course demonstrates the decisions affecting the international expansion of the firm, and connect these to the higher risks emerging markets which typically provide greater opportunities for higher returns or costs savings. Such knowledge and competencies are highly important especially for companies that are familiar with highly developed and stable environment. Exploring such emerging new territories with growth potentials for expansion requires the global managers to extend their knowledge horizon, and critical analysis skills to better manage such markets with more success with a set of conceptual tools that will help them navigate through such muddy water with higher precision and success. Such knowledge will also increase the effectiveness of managing challenges in a multi-national network environment.

The course objectives include:
-Definition of emerging market
-Importance of emerging markets and how do they differ from developed markets
-Management of key risks, challenges, and issues in such type of markets
-National differences in the emerging markets business environment and system
-Pros and cons of various entry strategies to emerging markets
-Strategies targeting the bottom of the pyramid in emerging markets

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