8. FAQ

Problems with log in

KAMK and KAO students: Check first that you have entered right user id and password. Check also can you log in to other services like Pakki (KAMK) or Wilma (KAO). If not, update your password. If there are still problems with login, please contact KamIT Helpdesk.

KAMK students: password update

KAO students: password update

Other University of Applied Sciences users : Check first that you have entered right user id and password. If there are still problems with login, test your organization services with your user id and if needed, change your password at your own organization password service. If you have problems only with DevMoodle log in, please contact KamIT Helpdesk. 

Other users: if you have problems with log in and you don't have KAMK or KAO user ID or you can't use HAKA-login, please contact your contact person in KAMK or KAO. Or KamIT Helpdesk.